Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Holiday Blogging!

Happy Holidays and I hope you enjoy some down time. There is some work to do though. Remember

  • your reading (493-528). If you do a little each night (my math calculates that to be 1.1 pages per night!) you will have plenty of time to celebrate whatever you celebrate with you family and friends

  • Sing World History songs!

  • DBQ Essay #5

  • Leave a comment on this blog. 15 easy points! All you have to do is answer the following questions:

Which of Mr. Parker's songs is your favorite and why?
Which song are you ready to sing in front of the class after vacation?

Mr. Parker

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Who is important in the Age of Faith?

There are many great men and women who lived in the time period of our 3rd Unit (600-1450). For a cool 15 points all you have to do is choose a person and say what it is that makes that person so importtant to world history (I think a paragraph of facts and a paragraph of your opinion would be sufficient. The trick is that people can only be used once.

Happy effort! We'll keep this going up to November 8.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Rome and Han

Hi all.
Time for an easy one. For ten points tell me one similarity and one difference between the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire. The only catch is that it has to be original, so read your classmates blogs and don't repeat them.

Have Fun- we' keep this open until October 1st.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Hammurabi Law Code Seek and Appraise Game

OK, I just made this one up. It might be fun or it might be dumb in any case, this is what you do;

a) Find a law in Hammurabi's law code. (There are 282 laws. Some are listed in your text, you can search your data base which your library card gives you access, first come first served- no law may be used by two different students.)

b) Paraphrase the law in this blog. Be sure to use the number of the law.


c) Evaluate the law in this blog. Do you think it is fair? Would it be a good idea for our society?

Now doesn't that sound fun! The assignment is worth 15 points and you have until Labor Day to get this done. Act soon because this will get more difficult!

The Hammurabi Law Assessment game

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Advice for next year's AP World History students

Well, the blog is still being blocked by our district for some odd reason. I have found a way around it from home so here we go.

For your last blogging assignment I want you to leave some advice for the incoming soon-to-be AP World History folks. What did you like? What were some effective (and maybe not so effective) study habits? Advice, opinions, praise, criticism... go for it! All I ask is that you keep it real and try to be helpful to the new guys and gals.

20 points due by May 20.

Monday, March 14, 2011

What do you want?

With the big test just two months away it is a good time to start hoping that the AP folks will ask the questions you want.

What question do you hope to encounter on the test. It can be a Compare and Contrast prompt or a Change/ Continuity Over Time prompt.

Write a thesis to go with your question. Be sure to make it Accurate, Comprehensive and Explicit!

Worth 20 points. Due by Wednesday, March 16.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Today's Lab Assignment 1/21/11

At that moment when the task seems impossible,
Brace for the refreshing wind of change
This is learning
-Shawn Parker

Go to '1450-1750 The Shrinking globe' link

For each of the six 'Questions of Periodization' find an two examples of the idea expressed. C'mon it only sounds hard.

Put the examples in a comment. As you peruse the sight I am also interested in your opinion of the web site.