Sunday, September 11, 2011

Rome and Han

Hi all.
Time for an easy one. For ten points tell me one similarity and one difference between the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire. The only catch is that it has to be original, so read your classmates blogs and don't repeat them.

Have Fun- we' keep this open until October 1st.


AngelinaChhoun said...

"Rome and Han"

One similarity between the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty were that they were both very advanced societies, with a great political system.

The difference between the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty was that the Romans were sort of a republic, where they got to choose their leader. Where as to the Han Dynasty, power got passed down the family.


Isabella Mavrakos said...
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Isabella Mavrakos said...

Rome was both a land and sea empire. China was only primarilly a land empire.

Both empires lasted for about the same amount of time, around 400 more or less years.

Period 2

Anonymous said...

Rome and Han:

Similarities: Rome and Han were similar because they both controlled a large portion of the world, at that time being.

Differences: Rome and Han were different because Rome had LOTS of gold, and the Han had luxury items.

jessica ramirez said...

One similarity between the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty was that they both built roads to help with trade.

One difference between the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty was that slavery was less important in the Han Dynasty than in the Roman Empire.

Karina Salas said...

Difference: Romans had a patritian and plebeian society and they relied on slavery where as China had peasants working the lands but didn't consider them property.

Similarity: Both political systems were centeralized and one ruler had control over the majority of the population.

Period 3

Karina Salas said...

Ps. I noticed someone got my difference so here's another one. :)

Difference: Rome had a senate to help make political decisions whereas the Han just relied their power on an emperor.

Brina_05[: said...

The Han and the Romans both have contributed to the political and cultural aspects that still live on today in modern times. Not only that, but they both also had a well organized bureaucracy. However, their religion differed. The Hans religion was based on Confucianism, Daoism, and local gods. Where as the Romans believed that the emperor was their God.

-Sabrina Galindo, Period 2

MiriamCamarena said...

One difference between the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty was their religious views. The Roman Empire was polytheistic, and believed in may gods. The Han Dynasty's religious views were to make ritual sacrifices of animals and foods to deities, spirits, and ancestors, so it was more spiritual.

One similarity between the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty is they both had different levels of social class, each level having a well-defined role in society.

Sydney_Wilson:D said...

Similarity: The Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty both had a period when they tired to expand their military.

Difference: Roman women had more economic freedom and influence on their husbands and sons. Women in the Han Dynasty were expected to cook, clean, take care of her parent-in-laws, make clothed, and thats it!

Period:3 :)

toriteraji said...

difference: Roman empire (31 bce-476 ce) and Han empire (202 bce-220 ce)

similarity: they both had a decline in morals and values that upheld these particulay societies together.

period 2

Ashley:) said...

Similarity: The Roman Empire and the Han Dynaty fell because of the same reason, they fell because of weak leaders and power hungry individuals
Different: The Roman Empire's peak of power lasted far longer than the Han Dynasties peak of power.

-Ashley Jones
Period 2

Unknown said...

one difference was that Rome was a republic and voted for leaders were in china they passes the role from father to son or some one in the same family
one similarity was that they both had a great amount of power over there part of the world that ended in chaos
gracie per 2

Fatima said...

One similiarity is that both the Han and the Romans had slaves working for them. Meaning they had slaves working in their homes.

Difference is that the Han couldn't have extended members living in their home after their marriage. The Romans would live with their wife and have peasants living in their home.
-Fatima per.2

Fernando Flores said...

Both Rome And the Han Empire used slaves to perform certain tasks day after day.

I the Han Empire the slaves had certain legal rights specified in contracts, and in Rome, slaves had no legal rights.

catrinafacee said...

Rome and Han of course had different developments in technology. For example: Rome developed aqueducts,concrete, domes, a central heating system, sewage systems, and ampitheatres. Han China developed things such as canals and the Great Wall. Though both got around to inventing roads, which of course was great for trading and military purposes.

john thieke said...

The difference between the Han dynasty and the Roman empire is the Romans taxed everyone equally as the Hans taxed people according to class.

The similarity between them is that their economy and high taxes drove them into the ground.

Kyle Romanolo said...

Both the Romans and the Hans believed that divinity resided within nature rather than outside and above it.

The Romans produced wrought-iron tools and weapons by hammering heated iron. Whereas the Han hammered ores with a higher carbon content to produce steel weapons and tools.

Leah Tellez said...

Similarity: Both had valuable trading items such as the Han's luxurious silk and Rome held all the money.

Difference: While they both had slaves the way they treated their slaves differed, the Han had them do menial chores while the Roman's slaves worked to the bone to satisfy their masters.

KurryFolks(: said...

Similarities: Both the Han Dynasty and the Romans were wealthy and had many luxuries.
Differences: The Han believed in Confusiansm and that it brought loyalty, authority, and respect for elders. The Romans believed in many gods and that you had to give offerings for approval.

-Kerry Webster Period 2

xsugarcastx said...

One difference between the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty, was the role of women.

In the Roman Empire, there were laws that were created specifically for women, that restricted their rights.

In the Han Dynasty, women had more liberties, and were expected to abide by Confucianism.

Women's status is also the similarity I have selected, because it was very difficult for them in both societies.

Roman women could not be judges, regardless of their intelligence, and Han women were not allowed to learn to read or write.

Aurora Dismukes

Kelsey Carpenter said...

Women in Rome and in the Han Dynasty had no authority to own land and they had to obey their husband and her son.

In the Roman Empire, women had some rights as they were given personal protection and economic freedom.

PandaBear48(: said...

Women in Rome had more freedom than women in Han Dynasty China. In Rome women were allowed to attend religious festivals and events like gladitorial matches. Women in Han China were not allowed to learn to read, write, conduct buisness, or anything else that was considered a man's job. They had almost no say in anything except for the raising of their children.

Both Rome and Han tried to expand their military and they both faced problems of defense. Also, agriculture was a source of wealth for both civilizations.

-Allyson Hensley
Period 3

ruby said...

One difference between the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire is that the Han ruled by using only the ruler's ideas and the Romans gathered ideas from their people living in their civilization.

Their similarities are that they used the technology to construct the things that would be used in everyday life and would benefit all.
-Ruby Ayala, 3rd period

Sky Lutjen said...

The Han and Roman empires were similarin the way that their government was centralized and they had officials to controll it.

They are different in the way that the Roman empire had senators that were elected from a wealthy class of land owners. In the Han empire, a member of any class, if they showed promise as a child, could be edjucated in Confucianism and take the civil service exam. if they passed they would be appionted a goverment official.

Cristina Tinoco said...

Difference: Han China is in Asia while the Roman Empire is in Europe

Similarity: Hitler, Kublai Khan and Kubla Kain, different imperialists from both Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire both liked to militarily take over other countries or nations.

American Rambo said...

one similarity between the Roman Empire and Han Dynasty is their use of the Silk Road.
one differance between the two is the type of goods they were interested in trading for.
Desiree p.
Period 2

Unknown said...


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