Monday, September 29, 2008

Unit 2 Civilizations.

Hey Gang;
With Unit One behind us, we are moving on to the years 600- 1450. Of all the great civilizations; the Maya, Islam, the Mongols, Byzantium, the Gupta, the Songhai, to name a few, which had the greatest impact on history (and modern society) or which did you find most interesting? I'll give you five points (EC) for each cogent argument about a specific civilization.

By the way, there are several more lectures available and several on the way. Let me know what you think about them!
Peace Out.
Mr. Parker

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Lectures Online!

Hey AP students,
At long last I have figured out a way to archive my lectures. My first lecture is up and by the end of this week they will all be available. Look under lectures in the column to the right. Enjoy!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Which invention/ concept changed history more?

Hello all and thank you for visiting.

We know enough now to compare and speculate, so here's a question to ponder:

Which was a more important significant contribution,; the chief contribution to civilization by the Lydians or that of the Phoenicians? Think of which would be more difficult to live without.

I'll give 10 (ten)extra credit points for the first to identify both of those contributions, and 5(five) points for any intelligent responses. (You can respond more than once.) We'll go until September 24th on this. Have fun.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Was Alexander the Great good or bad?

Well it's getting close to crunch time and I hope that you are all ready for the unit test. We have a long way to go and I am pleased by the way the year has begun. Let's start a discussion about Alexander the Great.

We are going to have a mock trial. I will randomly assign you a role but there are big time points available if you familiarize yourself with the accomplishments and controversies surrounding Alexander's Eastern campaign.

The first person to respond intelligently gets 10 extra credit points. Any first time responder will receive 5 EC points.