Thursday, February 26, 2009

New opportunity!!!

Compare and contrast the Boxer Rebellion with the Meiji Enlightenment. There certainly is something to talk about there. One point for each original idea (I'm the judge). Unlimited points, first come first served! Have fun. Game on.

Additionally, if you generate a response from another student in the class (that is, if a classmate mentions your name and references your comments), I'll give you 5 points per response.

Get going we'll run this one up to March 10.

Peace, Mr. Parker


Cosmic Faultline said...

Okay, so basically, the Boxer revolution was when a bunch of people (who evidently thought they had superpowers)decided to chase all foreign things from China. They had hardly any weapons, and they wanted to support the Qing Dynasty, who had begun to expel western influence. Their battles eventually led to the establishment of the Chinese Republic.

The Meiji Restoration (yay Japan! Watashi wa Watashi no Nihon ga suki desu!) was when Matthew Perry opened up Japan to the world, and it got crazy powerful and mega-successful. In addition to that, Tokugawa Yoshinobu-sama, the Shogun, yielded to the Emperor's power and
made Japan become an imperial-ruled country again.
This is the start of the Meiji era, where, coincidentally, a manga called Rurouni Kenshin is set. xD (you seriously need to check out the Shinsengumi's rules. Samurai had it easy.)

Here's a quick list of similarities and differences between the two:

*Both were in Asian countries
*Both eventually brought success to their countries
*Both had changes in the way their countries were controlled

*China was trying to get rid of foreigners, but Japan was encouraging them.
*The Boxers believed they had divine supernatural powers, while the Japanese of the Late Tokugawa (Edo)Period were not delusional about that sort of thing.
*Japan changed from feudal to imperial, while China changed from imperial to The Republic of China.

got it?
now go look up the Shinsengumi.

rickyricardo said...

Its been a while since i've been here. Lets begin:
First, the Boxer Rebellion occured in China(obviously, don't know if its worth a point? ;p) and the Meiji Englight in Japan. Another is the time when they occured. One began in 1868(Meiji Enlight) during the beginning of the Meiji Era. Then the Boxer Rebellion officially first began in 1900.

During these times, the Boxer Rebellion mainly focused on the expulsion of the "intruders" of China but for Japan, they gained other advantages like the beginning of their Modernization age. Basically they begun reworking their social system, economic working, and their military defense/offenses.

After, China won in their rebellion, the foriengers(USA) stopped trying to directly hold onto China's territory, but use indirect methods using their government. For Japan though, they begun to trade more with others.

I guess thats all i can think about now. Ahhh :] this was tougher cause Courtney took most of the good ones =[
But anyways, shes right about Rurouni Kenshin being placed in the Meiji Era. Amazing manga/anime btw! you should read/watch. Most of the samuri in the show didn't enjoy the new reforms made by the government. There were plenty of Ronin who still wanted to live by the way of the sword, instead of industrilizing Japan.(Plenty of episodes where the sword went against the new machines created to "help" Japan. IE machine guns, trains, etc.

marta_flinn said...

Hey Mr. Parker have you graded our essays yet??

rickyricardo said...

Parker, does it count if i just sit here and speak to myself? D:

jaymi.=] said...

Mr. Parker! The one time I actually go on here, the deadline thing is up and I can't get any extra credit!!! How sad. You should put a new thing up so i can respond to it and hopefully raise my grade. =]

Cosmic Faultline said...

do I get more points for Ricky mentioning me?

you know I need 'em.

Cosmic Faultline said...

by the way, "Watashi no Nihon ga suki desu" means "I love my Japan!"
since I know you didn't care enough to read up on it.

marta_flinn said...

hello people hows it going?

marta_flinn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cosmic Faultline said...

I need some more extra credit

World History ga dai kirai!
ichi, ni san, 'SPLODE!


Mr. Parker: kono aku!

that means:
I hate world history!
one...two..three. 'SPLODE! (BOOM!)

Mr. Parker: you're evil!
