Sunday, December 23, 2012

Winter Break Assignment

Happy Holidays!

Let's play the historical evidence game.  I give you a thesis.  You give me an original, historically accurate statement which supports my thesis.  10 points for an original thesis and a bonus 5 points for an intelligent comment on someone else's historical evidence. (Up to 15  bonus points.)

Here's my thesis:

Between 1450 and 1750, the world became more politically, economically and socially globilized.

(Hint: As communication and trading networks develop, interaction between and among cvilizations lead to a new, more global world.)

Have fun!


Unknown said...

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, starting in the mid-fifteenth century, formed the Triangular Trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas, thereby creating a more expansive network of social interaction across the globe.

Unknown said...

During the 16th century, Portugal as well as Spain began to establish colonies in the Americas which connected trade routes across the seas with Europe and Asia.

Unknown said...

The exchange of plants and animals between the new in old worlds effected the settlers, who were spanish, english, portugal, ect. causing more interactions between them as a whole, gaining trade around the world-1700s
Around the 18th century, the price of "Shoes" rose for the French

Joelruiz1997 said...

During the 15 th century Silk Road interactions began to decline due to the fact that roads were unsafe and new means of transportation were in route. Transportation over seas was more quick, efficient, and cheap, since it eliminated any middle man.

Unknown said...

During the mid 15th century,Portuguese opened up direct trade creating better inteactions across the globe and the trans-Saharan trade brought slaves to the Mediterranean world.

Unknown said...

Between 1450 and 1750 the world became more politically globalized by the crown appointed government officials in Spanish and Portuguese colonies in the new world while becoming economically and socially globalized by the European colonies establishing trade of resources like wood, fur, and silver to the old world and the establishment of social ranking in the colonies.

Unknown said...

In response to Adam Duarte's thesis, the trade between the old world and new world increased the colonization of Europeans to the new world wanting to get riches and resources.

Unknown said...

During the 16th century the Spanish and English colonies started trade routes connecting the New World to the Old World by starting the slave trade and the fur trade.

Unknown said...

Between 1450 and 1750 Portugal and Spains became rivals for the resources of the New World, however Portugal eventually started colonizing much of Africa, due to lack of immediate resouces in Brazil, these African colonies would lead to the Atlantic trade triangle and a more global interest in Africa.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

In between the years 1450 and 1750 the appearance of powerful gunpowder empires emerged these empires dominated many nomadic peoples and began to colonize much like the Europeans,Europe took note of these powerful empires and began sending out politcial and social diplomats,during this time period European Jesuits began travelling to China bringing their religion and customs,due to the dangers of the silk road sea trade became more popular between Europe,The Gunpowder Empires,China, Japan and their colonies.

Unknown said...

The resources that the Spanish and Portuguese colonists traded in the 15th century, such as silver by the Spanish and Sugar by the Portuguese, were traded over sea to the Old World. This lead to a vast increase in the wealth of Spain and Portugal as well as an overall trade revival between Old World societies.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

During the time period between 1450 and 1750 CE, the new world and the old world, were linked and for the first time in world history, long-distance trade became worldwide throughout The Atlantic Ocean. Trade eventually led to gobal trade, the crossing of the Pacific Ocean and new technologies made these interactions possible, and trade patterns changed dramatically.

Unknown said...

Between 1450 and 1750 the global spread technology of guns and navigation was influential. Guns were important to the West African slave trade. Many Africans would trade other Africans to Europeans in exchange for guns. Also navigation was really important. Arabian math and science combined with Spanish and Portuguese sailing experience to make better navigation than ever before

Unknown said...

Batween 1450 and 1750 Spain and Portugal started to compete against to archive the new world causing trade between the civilizations.

Unknown said...

The time period of 1450 and 1750 was a time of development for the civilizations around the world politically, economically and socially. The ocean trade became very important and changed many things for the eastern hemisphere. Sea trade was used to trade slaves, it organized civilizations politically and it advanced people technologically. Technology was spread and the habitats of animals and plants changed, therefore changed peoples diets as well

Unknown said...

Between 1450 and 1750 the Spanish and Portuguese began settling colonies in the New World. That began the transatlantic trade between England, Africa, and the Americas. There was many forced labor during this time with the silver mining as well as slaves working on sugar plantations in Brazil.

Vanesa Vasquez said...

From 1450 to 1750 Europe involved their way of government and social structure to input it into the new world, causing the New World and Europe to gain. They gained more money and higher power throughout the globe.

Unknown said...

From 1450 to 1750, new maritime technologies were developed, paving the way for more efficient oceanic travel. As a result, European powers were able to exchange cultural characteristics and goods with unknown lands.

william samples said...

Between 1450 and 1750 the Spanish and Portuguese established colonies in the New World, which enabled extensive legal and illegal trade (including Transatlantic Slave Trade) with not only Europe and Africa, but also among those who participated in trade in the Mediterranean, Middle/Far East, and in the Indian Ocean.

william samples said...

England and France were also included in the New World's colonial power structure.

Unknown said...

From 1450 to 1750, dutch merchants formed alliances with Native people to get access to the rich fur trade of Canada, these interactions betwwen the new world civilizations created a more globilized world

Matt Duarte said...

During the 15th century the Portuguese opened up slave trade and from this the world started to globalize due to interaction from various civilizations.

Oscar Mora said...

In between 1450 and 1750, the core areas of western civilizations changed economically. While keeping an agricultural society, the west became commercially active and developed a strong manufacturing sector.

Unknown said...

between 1450 and 1750 the world became more globalized due to the demand of the new world. there was such a high demand for the new world that they needed slaves and also needed to make deals with other european civilizations to determine boundaries

Unknown said...

From 1450 to 1750, the new demands for interaction with new cultures became a new problem for women. Because of intercultural marriage and the everlasting struggle for rights, women were oppressed and given even less opportunities than before.

Unknown said...

Between 1450 and 1750, Western Europe gained control over key international trade routes and establishes colonies in the Americas as well as Africa and parts of Asia.

Unknown said...

With new, economic innovations such as joint-stock companies, big time production countries such as Spain started to imitate a periphery system where there is a core and a set of outside minor countries and cities working at making the core awesome. this made the world more globally connected.

Unknown said...

With the new periphery system that core countries such as Spain started imitating, the world became more globally connected.