Sunday, May 8, 2011

Advice for next year's AP World History students

Well, the blog is still being blocked by our district for some odd reason. I have found a way around it from home so here we go.

For your last blogging assignment I want you to leave some advice for the incoming soon-to-be AP World History folks. What did you like? What were some effective (and maybe not so effective) study habits? Advice, opinions, praise, criticism... go for it! All I ask is that you keep it real and try to be helpful to the new guys and gals.

20 points due by May 20.


eric kaufman said...

but i know not everyone will read every night. to be honest i didnt read every night and if you are not going to read just make sure you pay attention during the lectures. They help so much. without them i would've failed every test cause most the time i didnt have time to read because of sports.

eric kaufman said...

o and get all the point you can on the essay try to just do what the rubric says and you will get a much higher score. and make sure you RESUBMIT them when he lets you. because you wont be able to do it later on in the year

~*ely*~ said...

Eric is right. You will be reading every night. So make sure that even if you don't get to read to read to a PAY ATTENTION TO THE LECTURES. Also make sure that you try your best on every test and essay assigned.Good Luck next year guys.

-Estela Jimenez

euriekim[: said...

I agree with Eric & Estela (:

But also you should buy a APWH Study Book from Borders or any other book store. I have the Barron's book & I regret not purchasing it earlier. The text is so much simplier and to the point. The Bulliet will drive non-avid readers crazy. It helps with the quizes a bunch and it's a great studying tool.

This class is honestly so much fun. You learn and have fun at the same time. You may feel overwhelmed from time to time with the work but the games we play makes up for it. We have singing competitions, Password, trials, Cr"ap"ium, and more! (:

I wish you guys good luck with this class & I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did/am.

- Eurie

Paola Salas said...

I agree with everyone so far. As Eurie said, buy an AP book a soon as you can! It helps SO much. And it will get overwhelming, you will get tired of doing work, but try not to procrastinate. Download Mr. Parkers lectures from this blog. DO the red lines and DISCUSS them. And it's all worth it. And remember, "you are not your grades."

Cassie D. said...

Everyone is right, seriously, you have to learn not to procrastinate and get work done as soon as possible. Pay attention to Mr.Parker's lectures and take really well done notes, you can use them to study for tests. If you need help on the essays make sure to take some of your own time to talk to Mr. Parker,he is always there to help you.

If you get frustrated during the year, don't worry because everyone has been there and it's not so bad afterwards.Believe me when I say that it's not so bad because I found myself in that situation many times but I survived :) But really, READ READ and READ, it is super important.

Still, this class is incredibly fun. Especially when we have simulations and sing-offs.Good Luck:)

Cassie D.

Bianca Ojeda said...

So far everybody has given great advice. Though, it would probably be best that you might as well have a notebook ready for all your notes cause there is a CrAzY amount of notes. make sure that you get updated versions of the AP books for next year it will be more helpful. Also study for the tests especially the unit tests. take really good red lines and fill them with information so that they can help you when you study. It would probably be good as well to go onto Mr. Parker's blog regularly so that you can look at the lectures that he has given in case you miss something during class. also come on the blog or sometimes at least go on google to just look for things that can help you study or remember information. Make sure that you read and if you forget to read at least look at the reading that way you know what the class will be talking about and so that you will have some information from last nights reading in your head. If you have some form of problem you can always go talk to Mr.Parker about it.

Bianca Ojeda said...
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♥dReA said...

Do your work, especially your essays & the reading, AND the red lines (there are some fun games you can play with them while you learn & study them).
have a homework schedule in which you are able to read, take notes & do the red lines in less than an hour, just see what works for you. i recommend at least doing your red lines if you don't have time to read at times & just skim through the highlighted stuff. you're going to have to manage your time pretty well by yourself, you're responsible, not Mr. Parker, but he can help you if you ask.
AND another thing: listen to the lectures Mr. Parker gives during class & don't piss him off. i know lectures can be boring & long, but it's informational, & you signed up for it. take notes & just bear through it, or you'll miss some key ideas. And maybe something you find interesting will come up. ;)

just do your best, or you might regret you didn't... i guess i learned that the hard way, but i still stuck with this class!

well, good luck! :D


♥dReA said...
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Arnulfo Rocha said...


Well Ap world History is a very hard yet fun class. We get to learn so much about so many things that happened thousands of years ago. Mr. Parker makes learning fun and entertaining. The Persia's really helped me remember alot about empires and the songs that Mr. Parker made for the course are AMAZING. They are full with information which help you understand history and they also help you remember about important dates,people, and happenings:) that are important in history. AP World History was hard I am not going to lie but it really helped me mature more and grow in knowledge as a student. My advice for the incoming Ap World History students would be to work hard, try your 150% in the course listen to Mr. Parker and you'll pass.

-Peace & Love Arnulfo(Ernie:)

Perlita said...

I concur with all the advice given so far. I must add that once you finish each unit, you should review it in your APWH study book. This is something i wish i did. Also, just review and study when you have the time. It will make you feel more prepared for that exam and you'll do better on the essays with the historical evidence sticking to your brain. Also! Don't study two weeks before the exam, study like a month before! :D

And don't worry, if you do all the work, and actually put effort into this class, you'll do just fine. Good luck guys! You'll have fun! :)


Unknown said...

Get your floppy book (Baron's or Princeton's) as soon as possible! By the time you take your first unit test, you'll see why everyone makes such a big deal about them... Like everyone's said, read as much as you can (without falling asleep haha) but if you don't/even if you do, make sure you pay attention during the lectures and complete the red lines (even if it's in the class before, as long as you get the info down, it's good).

Also, don't freak out if you get a 0 on the first essay, it's completely normal. All Mr. Parker cares about is you actually learning the info and passing the AP test. If you honestly make an effort and talk to him about extra credit, he'll try not to let you fail the class.

Good luck class of 2014!

- Liana

Jennifer said...

Everything that everyone has posted so far is true. Just make sure you get the AP study book and if you can't read out of the normal book one night, then skim through the study book.
For the essays the trick is to just do exactly what the rubric says. It took me a half of a year to figure that out!!!!Whoops:)! Fancy language doesnt get you points either, just answer the prompt as simply as you can.
Also before a big test get with your friends who have the different types of study books and look at the questions, THAT IS A GUARNTEED "A" RIGHT THERE!!!!
And Mr.PArker is a great teacher who will ensure that you are ready for the BIG TEST
Have Fun and Good Luck,

KelseyDeann said...

My word of advice? Simple- Don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't assume you're question is stupid, because its not. The more you interact in class and participate, the more Mr. Parker will like you. (no joke). You'll never know everything there is to know, but don't be afraid to learn as much as you can. Write down questions you have from the reading and ask them in class the next day, if not to Mr. Parker then a peer because you'll regret giving up the chance to understand whats going on.

Oh, and if you can do two PERSIA's.

Good luck(:
-Kelsey McDonald

Never_Give_Up said...

Okay...i'm going to be very blunt, future AP students...

#1. Read EVERY NIGHT!! Don't leave the readings for another night because trust me, it's really hard to catch up! I can't stress enough how important it is to do your homework :)

#2. Know how to be serious and most importantly, know how to have fun learning. You're going to love this class! I admit, it's challenging but it's worth it! :)

#3. Study for the AP test in May ahead of time. Don't wait until the last two weeks to study! Buy the Barrons or Princeton Review book on AP World History (it will become your best friend). The m ore you study, the more prepared and confident you will be :)

#4. DO NOT -whatsoever- PROCRASTINATE!! Everything is possible. Believe in yourself! If you do, I can guarantee that you'll succeed in this class :)

#5. Take very good notes during Mr. Parker's lectures. By "good", i don't mean 5 pages of detailed notes, i mean about a page of well summarized notes that are to the point. Trust me, I started off the class taking pages and pages of detailed notes and I know that I learned and memorized more of the information when I started to write summarized and to-the-point notes.

Don't stress! You'll love this class and you'll love Mr. Parker and Ms. Hesik! :D This is the only AP class offered in sophomore year and you decided to take it. Good for you! :)I hope this has been useful to you and one more thing...
...good luck!! I believe in you :D

~Laura Acevedo-Cabrera

Unknown said...

Hey guys just a few things to say. So far everybody's pretty much right by basically saying dont procrastinate beacuse if you do you WILL fall way way behind. Reading is very important and essential if you want to maintain a good grade in the class so DON'T put it off beacuse you WILL be very sorry. You should also invest in a APWH book from princton review or whatever n read that too (when I say read I dont mean word per word but skim n take notes). These books DO HELP alot. N you'll also be doing urself a favor if u take the tests after every chapter or whatever. Last thing to note is YOUR GRADES DONT REFLECT WHO U R. U R NOT UR GRADES. remember that beacuse the class will be challenging for some and you mighy stuggle but dont let that discourage you. You should try harder beacuse thid class really is worth it and you'll have a fantastic instructor along side u. Goodluck guys.

elizabeth ! said...

i would alspo like to add that people are making this class seem harder than it is. i decided to read what my fellow students are posting and this class is challanges. But as long as you listen to mr. Parker's lecture you will seriously be fine. just pay attention, and you will understand everything. mr. parker is a great teacher and you guys are in good hands. Just do what you are supposed to and you will pass

elizabeth ! said...

that last one is eric not elizabeth

Unknown said...

sorry mr. parker my internets been down. The best advice I could give is to practice the essays as much as possible and buy the ap book as soon as possible. It has a lot of information that can guide you through the class and help prepare you for the test.

Bozwell Bueno said...

Hey Mr. Parker sorry I'm late. I hope it still counts though. Anyway to the future AP students:

I'm going to be honest. All of you signed up for a difficult class that is going to take a lot of effort. But it is by no means impossible. The most important piece of advice that I can give is to simply do the work: that means the reading, essays, homework, and more. Many of the people that think the class is imossibly hard are the ones who don't do the nightly reading that is assigned. So it really doesn't come as a surprise. As long as you make sure to do the work I guarantee that you will all be succesful in the class. And even though the class can be overwhelming sometimes it all pays off in the end. You'll learn so much but at the same time have alot of fun (especially in the singoffs and other cool simulations). Good luck to all of you.

angie-angelique said...

Thanks so much for all this advice! hope to see everyone next year:)

EllaWolf said...

Wow, lots of good advice! I think if I listen to the advice I'll do great in this class.

Kimberly.Eaton said...

Okay so read, buy a study book, pay attention/take good notes, and do NOT procrastinate...I think I got it! Thanks everyone(:

Allyssa.(: said...

Thanks for all the advice, guys. I appreciate it! I hope I do great in this class.(:

Ashley:) said...

Thanks for the great dvice, and now that I have read all of it I feel like I can do it now. I will take all your advice in and ill do what you say in the hopes of passing. See all you guys at school.

AngelCondorPride7420 said...

Thanks you guys so much for the advice!(: I feel better now. I know I'll do great if I just listen to the lectures and work 150%.
-later on condors(:

Karina Salas said...

This advice was definately helpful. thanks! :)

kristineweenie; said...

i love how i know a lot of these people that are giving advice[: i'll admit, i'm a little nervous for this class, but i'll take your advice and hope i'll do fine [:

kristineweenie; said...
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Anonymous said...

thanks:) i cant wait to have a great year in this class and ill take all the advice said !:D

Leah Tellez said...

Okay! That was actually really helpful I know people should always be doing those things but a lot of people don't including me which I'll be working on.

Hailey Cato said...

thanks for the advice!!! it was very helpful, im sure i'll have a great time next year!

toriteraji said...

FINALLY! i've been looking for this for like weeks! Anyways.... Hello.

MiriamCamarena said...

I find this advice column informative and insightful, thanks past AP students!

claudia torres ♥ said...

so it took me a long time to sigh in but i did it ..... so hi :)

Brina_05[: said...

Thanks a lot for the advice guys! I will benefit from it. I know it will be a BIG help, so once again, thanks! (:

KurryFolks(: said...

Thanks for the help people ! I am nervous about this class, worried that I might not do well, but while reading your advice I thought "Hey, even though it sounds like you have to work harde.. it doesn't seem so bad after all". And I should take into consideration not to procrastinate because I do that A LOT ! :)

Elizabeth said...

Well after readin everyones advice I will for sure remember to read every night and I believe I will be pretty good! :D

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I was very skeptical about joining Ap World History but once I saw this very helpful advice I changed my mind and I decided to join so thank you past Ap students I REALLY appreciate it. I will defenitley use ALL of the advice :D
- Helen Hernandez Silva

Unknown said...

Hello i would really like to say Thank you to the previous AP students! I will take the advice, and hopefully this will lead to a succesfull AP WH year...YAY!
-Marisol Diaz Flores (:

Unknown said...

it was really helpfull so read for this year
gracie stephens

Joseph Armendariz said...

Thanks for all the adviceguys, appreciate it, I'm looking forward to AP World History with Mr.Parker!

Anonymous said...

good advice

Kelsey Carpenter said...

Wow thanks for the great advice!! Ill be sure to use it!

Kyle Romanolo said...

Thanks for the advice. It is going to be very helpful.

Cristina Tinoco said...

Thank you all for the advice! It means so much and I'll be sure to take it all into consideration!
-Cristina Tinoco

Sky Lutjen said...

Thanks for the good advice. Can't wait for tomorrow!!!

Sky Lutjen said...
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jessica ramirez said...

Thanks for all the advise:)

Marilen Caguioa said...

The comments are really helpful :D
now i know what to look out for, THANKS!! :3

-Marilen Caguioa

kaylaftw said...

interesting stuff.

john thieke said...

It was really helpful and helped me get an idea of what to expect

catrina_chan said...

I'll remember this stuff (:

Fatima said...

yay!finally i figured this blog out! thanks for the advice i will definitly remember all this:)

Valerie cabanyog said...

Thanks for the advice, & I know this class will be tough but I'm gonna work hard for that test in may!:)