Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Julius Caesar Humanities Assignment

reaction assignment

Shakespeare wrote Julius Caesar during the Elizabethan age. People in that time did not regard democracy the same way you would. How might a modern audience's reaction to the events in Act One differ from the reaction to the events of a 16th century audience?

First response gets 5 Extra Credit points. Best response gets 5 Extra Credit points.

Hint: Discuss fear.

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Thumb Trials of The Centuries --the results are in** See the last blog entries for the results. Thank you to everyone the trials went very well

Next Week we will have trials for five famous figures from History and Literature. Each trial will take about 20 minutes and participation in the trial will be worth 50 points. The trial will be on
Thursday the 9th of September.

Your role in the trial will be determined on a first come/ first served basis. Sign up below stating the figure and the role you desire.

The Roles:

Each trial will have:

4 defense attorneys and 4 prosecution attorneys who will:

  • Prepare the case (defense or prosecution)
  • Present witnesses (act them out)
  • Question witnesses

The Defendant

A Reporter who will interview and write a short summary of the trial to be published on this blog.

The Figures:

Gilgamesh- charged with murder, assault and dereliction of royal duties

Enkidu - charged with murder, and assault on a Royal Person, slander

Socrates- charged with corrupting the youth of Athens and treason

Alexander the Great- charged with conducting an unjust war, murder and incompetence

Okonkwo- charged with distubing the peace, violation of parole, assault on a British officer

Up to 15 points Extra Credit for dressing appropriately (in costume). (Additional 10 points for wearing costume all day.)